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5th Infantry Division Stele of Liny-devant-Dun (South)

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The monument is located on the north side of D964 and is situated above a small drainage ditch. It sits close to the exit of the truck rest stop where it is located.  Marker This white concrete pillar rests on a plain concrete base and features an inscription (in French) describing the advance of the 5th U.S. Infantry Division as well as three of the division's Red Diamond insignia. The logo of Le Souvenir Français is also visible in the bottom right corner of the side that displays the inscription. The two larger diamonds are visible to traffic exiting and leaving the rest stop while the smaller insignia is located above the small plaque that faces D964.

This monument has recently been refurbished and repainted thanks to the support of Le Souvenir Français and its partners. 

Monument Text:

"À l'aube du 5 novembre 1918, une tête de pont était solidement

établie sur la Meuse par le 6e régiment d'infanterie, 10e brigade,

5U.S. division, s'étendant au delà de la route et incluant le bois de Châtillon."


English Translation:


"At dawn on April 5, 1918, a bridgehead was firmly established

on the Meuse by the 6th Infantry Regiment, 10th Brigade, 5th U.S. Division, 

extending over the road and including the Châtillon woods."



10th Infantry Brigade

5th Infantry Division

United States Army
