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To the east of the main plots. Isolated Burial

An urn in the British Commonwealth Yokohama War Cemetery with the remains of 335 prisoners of war, 58 of which are American, who died in prison camps during WWII.

Many of these POWs were captured in the 1942 Philippine Campaign at Bataan and suffered transport on POW "Hellships" to Japan (Several on the Enoura Maru).

Monument Text:

1939 - 1945
In the urn below rest the ashes of 335 sailors, soldiers and airmen of the British Commonwealth, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of America who died as prisoners of war in Japan.   The names of 284 are inscribed on these walls.  The identity of their 51 comrades is unknown
There be of them that have left a name behind them that their praises might be reported and some there be which have no memorial.   But their righteousness hath not been forgotten and their glory shall not be blotted out

United States Navy

Lieutenant (J.G.)
Murchison W.J.

Cross A.B. (Jr.)

Chief Electrician's Mate
Conover W.I.

United States Marine Corps

Lieutenant Colonel
Weeks G.R.

United States Army

Lieutenant Colonel
Barr E.L.
Magnuson H.E.

Batson H.M. (Jr.)
Fries F.E.
Glassburn R.D.
Uglow H.H.

Neuwirth T.J.
Richards F.C.
Sallee J.B.
Weaber I.J.

First Lieutenant
Gagen R.J.
Horn H.W.
Hunter J.

Second Lieutenant
Becker D.C.
Grimes E.M.
Macner H.W.

Warrant Officer Junior Grade
Green F.A.

Master Sergeant
Evans J.W.

First Sergeant
Glaab W.F. (Jr.)
Wagner W.L.

Technical Sergeant
Carpenter C.E.

United States Army

Staff Sergeant
Austin J.E.
Gardner L.K. (Jr.)
Peterson H.E.

Riedeman H.H.

Technician 4th Grade
Beaver F.L.
Church C.A.
Goodpaster R.E.

Technician 5th Grade
McGee W.D.

Butler I. (Jr.)
Senkyrik I.D. (Jr.)
Wideman C.J.

Patterson R.A.
Wilk E.

United States Army Air Corps

First Lieutenant
Ball H.H.

Second Lieutenant
Mullen J.E.
Roberts E.S.

Chief Warrant Officer
Joffrion P.L.

Technical Sergeant
Hammond H.H.

Staff Sergeant
Hudson J.D.
Spanovich J.J.
Watson R.B.

Koenig R.B.
MacKay E.D.

10 Unknown American Nationals



John E Austin

Herbert Howe Ball

Elvin L. Barr

Howard Marshall Jr Batson

Frank L. Beaver

Darwin Charles Becker

Isam Jr. Butler

Claude Emerson Carpenter

Chester Alfred Church

William Lawrence Conover

Arthur Barton 'Bart'. Jr. Cross

James W. Evans

Frank Eugene Fries

Robert J. Gagen

Louis Kendall 'Mo' Jr. Gardner

William Ferdinand Jr. Glaab

Robert Douglass Glassburn

Roy E. Goodpaster

Franklin A. Green

Edward M. Grimes

Homer H. Hammond

Henry W. Horn

Jack Dee Hudson

James Hunter

Paul Leonard Joffrion

Richard B. Koenig

Everett D. MacKay

Henry W. Macner

Harry E. Magnuson

William D. McGee

James E. Mullen

William J. Murchinson

Theodore J. Neuwirth

Rufus A. Jr. Patterson

Herman E. Peterson

Forest C. Richards

Harvey H. Riedeman

Edwin S. Roberts

Joseph Bayne Sallee

Ignace D. 'Dick' Jr. Senkyrik

Julius Joseph Spanovich

Homer Harvey Uglow

William L. Wagner

Roy Benjamin Watson

Ivan J. Weaber

George Roland Weeks

Chester J. Wideman

Emil Wilk


17th Bomber Squadron, 27th Bomber Group, Light

17th Squadron, 245th Pursuit Group

192nd Tank Battalion

200th Coast Artillery Regiment

20th Pursuit Squadron

21st Infantry Regiment, 21st Infantry Division

23rd Field Artillery Regiment

26th Cavalry Regiment (Philippine Scouts)

31st Infantry Regiment

33rd Quartermaster Truck Regiment

40th Squadron, 24th Pursuit Group

45th Infantry Regiment

48th Materiel Squadron

515th Coast Artillery Battalion

515th Coast Artillery Regiment

57th Infantry Regiment

57th Infantry Regiment (Philipine Scouts)

59th Coast Artillery Regiment

60th Coast Artillery Regiment

75th Ordnance Company

792nd Bomber Squadron, 468th Bomber Group, Heavy

803rd Engineer Battalion (Aviation)

88th Field Artillery Regiment

93rd Coast Artillery Regiment

Coast Artillery Corps

Headquarters Detachment, U.S. Army Forces in the Philippines

Headquarters Philippines, Quartermaster Depot

Headquarters Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, Medium

Headquarters Squadron, 5th Air Base Group

Headquarters, Harbor Defenses of Manila and Subic Bay

Quartermaster Corps

United States Air Force

United States Army

United States Marine Corps

United States Naval Reserve

United States Navy




Pacific Theater

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