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B-26 (42-96210) Crash Memorial

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Next to the star-shaped plaque.


A clear parallelogram plaque mounted on a scroll-shaped sculpture that is supported by a short stone pedestal. The plaque contains a brief story of the plane crash and mentions the builder of the project as well as the inauguration of the memorial. The inscription is written in English and French in black and printed lettering.

Monument Text:

Left column:


On June 14, 1944 the B26 from Lt. Howard R. Hartley

belonging to the 394th Bomb Group crashed over the land of

Saint-Peravy la Colombe in the middle of wheat fields, after

being attacked by the FLAK. The 6 crew members



At the fall of 1970, while ploughing his field, Mr Pierre PELÉ

found this blade, relic from the B-26 crashed near this

place. He offered the blade to the Commune of Saint-

Peravy la Colombe.


This memorial was built by the pupils of the Professional

High School specialized in Stone sculpture Jean Lurçat and

Gaudier Brzeska, and was inaugurated on June 12, 2009,

with the presence of American and French civil and military

authorities as well as members of the American families of

the aviators : Family Chapman, Frank Centanino from the

394th Bomb Group. Was also participating the Mayor of

Saint-Peravy la Colombe Mr Vincent LECOQ, and

witnesses of the tragedy.



June 14, 2014, Saint-Peravy la Colombe



Right Column:


Le 14 Juin 1944, le B-26 du Lt. Howard

R. HARTLEY du 394th Bomb Group touché

par la flak, s'ecrasa sur le territoire de

Saint-Péravy la Colombe, au milieu des

champs de blé. Les 6 membres de l'équipage



   A l'automne 1970, en labourant son

champ, Pierre PELÉ a trouvé cette plae,

vestige du B-26 tombé près de cet droit, il

en a fait don à la Commune.


   Ce Mémorial réalise par les Eléves des

Lycées professionels Jean Lurcat et

Gaudier Brzeska a été inauguré le vendredi

12 juin 2009 en présence de personnalités

civiles et militaires Américaines et

Françaises : La Famille CHAPMAN, Frank

CENTANINO du 394th Bomb Gorup,

Vincent LECOQ, Maire et de nombreux

Témoins, Acteurs.



Lynn T. Cameron

Howard R. Hartley

Elmer J. Neis

James L. Picard

Charles F.  Waddell

William Milo White


394th Bomb Group

587th Bomber Squadron, 394th Bomb Group, Medium

9th Air Force

United States Air Force



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