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Crash of the P-51 (43-24756) Info Sign

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On the left side in front of 2Lt Suttle’s memorial.


The info sign tells the story of the crash of 2Lt Suttle. Printed images on the info sign are the 8th Air Force insignia, the 369th Fighter Squadron insignia, the photos of Lieutenants Campbell, Parsons, Bur, and Suttle, and other photos. The aforementioned pilots flew with 2Lt Suttle the day that his airplane crashed.

Source of photo: Nicolas de Lemos /

Monument Text:

Le 28 Aout 1944 au matin, les pilotes:


Les Lieutenants Ferris C. Suttle, Robert W. Campbell, Cl. James Parsons , Thomas G. Bur du 359th Fighter group de la 8e Air Force, décollent de la base NORFOLK (Angleterre), pour une mission de mitraillage sur Sarrebruck (Allemagne). Indicatif( Vol Rouge). A la vertical du triage SNCF de Blainville le groupe attaque un train de matériel militaire et un convoi routier ennemi stationné sur la RN4 sortie Dombasle direction Lunéville. L'objectif étant atteint, les Mustangs P51 rejoignent la formation sauf le LT Ferris Suttle qui effectue un deuxième passage sur l'objectif. Volant trop bas son avion accroche la cime d'un arbre bordant l'avenue des Vosges et s'écrase dans un champ a proximité. Il est 9h10mn. Le pilote et éjecté et tué sur le coup. Le LT Ferris Suttle fût enterré a Dombasle le 29 Aout 1944. A la fin de la guerre son corps, fût transféré au Cimetière militaire Américain de St Avold (Moselle) Carré C, Rangée 3, tombe 51. Il avait 23 ans et était né a Lancaster (Caroline du Sud — USA).



English translation:


On the morning of August 28, 1944, the pilots:


Lieutenants Ferris C. Suttle, Robert W. Campbell, Cl. James Parsons, Thomas G. Bur of the 359th Fighter group of the 8th Air Force, took off from NORFOLK base (England), for a strafing mission over Saarbrücken (Germany). Call sign (Red flight). At the vertical of the SNCF yard of Blainville, the group attacked a train of military equipment and an enemy road convoy parked on the RN4, exit Dombasle, direction Lunéville. The objective having been reached, the P51 Mustangs rejoined the formation except for LT Ferris Suttle who made a second pass on the objective. Flying too low, his plane hit the top of a tree along the Avenue des Vosges and crashed in a nearby field. It is 9:10 am. The pilot was ejected and killed instantly. LT Ferris Suttle was buried in Dombasle on August 29th 1944. At the end of the war, his body was transferred to the St Avold American Military Cemetery (Moselle) Cemetery, Row 3, Grave 51. He was 23 years old and was born in Lancaster (South Carolina - USA).



Thomas George Bur

Robert William Campbell

James Parsons

Ferris Clinton, Jr. Suttle


359th Fighter Group

369th Fighter Squadron, 359th Fighter Group

8th Air Force

US Army Air Corps
