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5th Infantry Division Stele of Mouzay

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The monument is located on the west side of D964 immediately before the first houses that constitute the town of Mouzay. It is in line with a series of trees on the west side of D964 after passing the sign that indicated the town limits of Mouzay.  Marker This white concrete monument features two small plaques describing the actions of the 5th U.S. Infantry Division in Mouzay during their advance toward the end of the First World War. In addition to these plaques, the monument has two representations of the 5th Infantry Division's Red Diamond insignia. The larger Red Diamond faces south and is visible to oncoming traffic. The small diamond is located above one of the plaques on the eastern face of the monument. The other plaque is on the northern face of the monument. Mouzay was captured by the 5th Infantry Division after Charniois Château and before the Forêt-de-Woëvre. 

Monument Text:

Inscription 1:
"Mouzay capturé par les compagnies L et M du 61e régiment
d'infanterie de la 5e U.S. division, le 9 novembre 1918. Compagnies
commandées par le capitaine C.E. MARTIN."

Inscription 2:

"700 femmes et enfants français ont été libérés
par la 5e U.S. division, le 9 novembre 1918."

English Translation:

Inscription 1:
"Mouzay: Captured by L and M Companies of the 
61st Infantry Regiment of the 5th U.S. Division on
November 9, 1918. Theses companies were commanded by
Captain C.E. Martin."

Inscription 2:
"700 women and children were liberated by the 
5th U.S. Division on November 9, 1918." 



5th Infantry Division

61st Infantry Regiment

United States Army
