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79th Infantry Division

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At the west side of the road. Monument A block of gray granite with two panels mounted on it. Inscribed with French and English text with the 79th Infantry Division, 749th Tank Battalion, and 773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion insignias. The monument was erected in memory of nearly 400 American soldiers who fell in the area between September and October 1944.

Monument Text:

Left panel:

This memorial is a monument to the spirit, sacrifice, and commitment

of the American soldiers who fought during WWII in the Parroy

Forest from September 28 through October 13, 1944. We honor all

those who fiercely fought in heavy rain, cold, and mud both day and

night including the 386 men of the 79th Infantry Division, 106th

Cavalry Group, 773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, and 749th Tank

Battalion, US Army, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of



The memory of these heroes will always live.


Ce mémorial est en l' honneur de l' esprit de sacrifice et d' engagement

des soldats Americains qui ont combattu durant la seconde guerre

mondiale, dans la foret de Parroy, entre le 28 septembre et le 13

octobre 1944. Ce monument rend hommage à tous ceux qui se sont

battus avec acharnement sous une pluie battante, dans le froid et la

boue, de jour comme de nuit, dont les 386 soldats de la 79ème

Division d'Infanterie, du 106ème Groupe de Cavalerie, du 773ème

Bataillon de Chasseurs de Chars et du 749ème Bataillon de Chars, au

prix du sacrifice ultime pour noire liberté.


Le souvenir de ces héros vivra à jamais.


Right panel:


The 773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion participated in the Battle of

Parroy Forest from September 28 to October 13, 1944 by supporting

the troops of the 79th Infantry Division. On October 9, 1944, at the

crossroads, Sgt Rabe's tank was destroyed by a German tank.


Le 773ème Bataillon de Chasseurs de Chars a participé au combat de

la foret de Parroy du 28 septembre au 13 octobre 1944 en appuyant les

troupes de la 79ème Division d'Infanterie. Le 9 octobre 1944, lors de

la prise de ce carrefour, le char du Sgt Rabe y fut détruit par un char




Sgt Ernest RABE Wounded

T / 5 Everet PEABODY Wounded

Cpl Judge HELLUMS Killed in action

Pvt Donald OWENS Killed in action

Pfc Lawrence HARRIS Killed in action



Lawrence Nelson Harris

Judge Clayton “Clayton” Hellums

Donald Dean Owens

Everet Myron Peabody

Ernest Rabe


749th Tank Destroyer Battalion

773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion

79th Infantry Division

United States Army



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