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ISOB West, Doe & Yesia (B-24, 44-41046 Crash Memorial)

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In the town cemetery against the far wall.

Isolated Burial

A beautiful gray marble grave site with a sculpture of a parachuting airmen on the upright portion of the grave.  Description of the grave by crewmember Noesges:


In the small village of Troubky, Czechoslovakia in a corner of a little Catholic cemetery stands a black Italian marble monument 12 feet tall and 8 feet wide with a life-size bronze likeness of Fred Gaul, our “Put-Put” engineer, descending in his parachute which did not open. Alongside the monument is an 18 foot flag pole of the same material with a cross at the top. The people of Troubky vowed to fly the American flag every July 4th and December 17th in memory of the six young men buried here. 



The grave includes the Isolated Burials (ISOB) of three crewmates of a B-24 (44-41016).  Six of the crew were killed in the plane crash; 4 survived.  The grave site remembers the six who perished in the crash. The grave originally included the bodies of five crew members, but two were repatriated in the early 1950s. 


The three crewmembers still buried at this location include:  


West, Thomas K ~ 1st Lt, Pilot, SD

Doe, Roy L ~ Sgt, Nose Gunner, MN

Yesia, Frank C, Jr ~ Corp, Bottom Turret Gunner, IL


The two airmen remembered on the monument who were repatriated were:


Deibert, Thomas E ~ S/Sgt, Top Turret Gunner, IL

Mergo, Joseph G ~ S/Sgt, Tail Gunner, PA



Also remembered on grave who perished in the crash: 


Gaul, Frederick H ~ Sgt, Engineer, PA



Airmen who survived the crash and not remembered (other than a picture of the crew mounted on the grave) include:


Kasold, Edmund A, Jr ~ 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot, CA ~ POW

Noesges, Thomas M ~ 2nd Lt, Bombardier, IL -POW

Qualman, Thomas W ~ 2nd Lt, Navigator, MI ~ POW

Ross, Trefry A ~ S/Sgt, Waist Gunner, CA ~ POW


Story of B-24 (44-41016):  


On December 17, 1943 B-24J (44-41016) piloted by 1LT Thomas West, flying out of Torretta, Italy as part of the 765th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, 49th Bomber Wing, 15th Airforce, on a raid to bomb the Odertal Oil Rifinery in Germany.  The formation was attacked by enemy aircraft and shoit down.  The plane crashed near Troubky in the present-day Czech Republic.  Six of the crew perished; 4 were able to parachute to safety and were captured.   This was the crew’s 10th mission together. (Missing Aircraft Report {MACR} 10636).

Monument Text:

The text on the grave is written in Czech and English.  The text in English reads:  

Here repose American heroes after their last start 

Wanderer read and announce to all 

We gladly died for that you live and are free 

Don’t forget us.




The upright marble slabs list the names and pictures of the men who perished in the crash:


Sgt. Fred H. Gaul 

Sgt. Roy L. Doe 

2nd Lt. Thomas K. West 

Cpl. Frank C. Yesia 

S/Sgt. Joseph G Mergo 

S/Sgt. Thomas E. Deibert






Thomas Edward Deibert

Roy Ludvig  Doe

Frederick Harold  Gaul

Edmund Kasold

Joseph George  Mergo

Thomas M Noesges

Thomas William Sr. Qualman

Trefry Abbott  Ross

Thomas Kurtz  West

Frank Charles Jr. Yesia


15th Air Force

461st Bomber Group

49th Bomb Wing

765th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group (Heavy)

US Army Air Corps



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