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28th Infantry Division Northern Tip Defense Monument

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At the summit of the large hill between Ouren and Weiswampach, directly on the Lux/Belg border. There is a chapel and a monument to a downed British Lancaster on the Luxembourg side, and this monument to the 112th Infantry right at the border. Monument

A metal cut-out profile on a concrete base. The 28th Division insignia is on the monument.

Monument dedicated to the 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division which defended the northern tip of Luxembourg during the "Battle of the Bulge". 

The 112th Regiment held the area from mid-November until 19 Dec 1944. 

Monument Text:


Symbol of the 28th Infantry Division

Designed by N.M.



112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division

28th Infantry Division




Battle of the Bulge