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Lt. O'Dean Thomas Cox Plaque -143rd Infantry Regiment

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In front of the cross at the “Monument Aux Morts”.


A rectangular plaque, printed in colors, which features the photo, a quote from John E. Dahlquist, and a summary of the heroic action done by Lt. Cox’s Company to liberate Bitschhoffen. The inscription is in French then translated into English. The 143rd Infantry Regiment and the 36th Infantry Division insignias are printed on the center.

Monument Text:

« À ma connaissance, aucune unité

n'a jamais autant mérité cette citation. »


Ces mots de John E. Dahlquist, commandant de la

36e division US résument l'action héroïque du 143e

régiment d'infanterie lors de la libération de Bitschhoffen

qui vaudra au régiment une citation présidentielle.



« To my knowledge, no unit has ever

deserved this quote. »

These words of John E. Dahlquist, the 36th US Division

Commander, summarize the heroic action of the 143rd

Infantry Regiment during the liberation of Bitschhoffen

which will be worth to the regiment a presidential citation.



Below the quote:


Le 15 mars 1945 à 1 h du matin, sans aucune préparation d'artillerie, le 3e bataillon attaque

par surprise. La Compagnie K du Lieutenant O'Dean Cox avance sur un terrain à découvert

et semé de mines anti -personnelles. Repoussée par trois fois, la compagnie se reforme et bien

qu'un tiers de ses hommes ont été tués ou blessés, libère Bitschhoffen dans la matinée.



On March 15, 1945 at 1 a.m., without any artillery preparation, the 3rd Battalion

attacked by surprise. Lieutenant O'Dean Cox's Company K advanced over open

ground sown with anti-personnel mines. Repulsed three times, the company reformed,

and although a third of his men were killed or wounded, liberated Bitschhoffen by morning.



O'Dean Thomas Cox


143rd Infantry Regiment, 36th Division

36th Infantry Division

7th Army

United States Army
