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C-47 42-100876 Crash Info Sign

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On the east side of the road to the north.


A vertically oriented rectangular metal panel supported by two metal poles and is printed with the detailed story of the crash of C-47 42-100876 which took off from Upottery airfield in England and crashed into the town. The panel is inscribed in French (on the left column) and English (on the right). It also features several images of the town map, the destroyed airplane, and the crash site.

Source of images:

Source of information:,

Monument Text:

Left column, text in French:

En ce lieu, Le 6 Juin 1944 à 01h12, s'est écrasé le Douglas C-47 A-75-DL #42-100876 piloté par le 2nd Lieutenant Marvin F. MUIR et son équipage appartenant au 93rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group, IX Troop Carrier Command de la 9th U.S. Army Air Force

Transportant 18 parachutistes de La compagnie de commandement du 2è Bataillon du 506è Régiment d'Infanterie Parachutiste de la 101è Airborne Division et 5 membres d'équipage, l'avion, inclus dans la formation de 81 appareils du 439th Troop Carrier Group menée par le Lt. Colonel Charles H. YOUNG à bord du C-47 « The Argonia » a décollé de l'aérodrome d'Upot-tery, en Angleterre, à 23h13 le 5 Juin 1944 et, suivant la route pré-établie, s'est présenté à 01h03 le 6 Juin au dessus de la côte ouest du Cotentin, en direction de la Drop Zone « C » où il devait larguer ses parachutistes. 

Deux minutes avant d'atteindre la DZ, l'appareil fut touché au niveau du compartiment équipage et des réservoirs de carburant, ce qui lui fit prendre feu instantanément. Se battant aux commandes de leur appareil, le 2nd Lieutenant Marvin F. MUIR et son équipage permirent, au coût de leurs vies, à 17 parachutistes d'évacuer l'appareil avant que celui-ci ne s'écrase à l'endroit où vous vous trouvez. L'un des parachutistes, blessé, est resté dans l'avion et a péri avec l'équipage. A LA MÉMOIRE DES OCCUPANTS DU DOUGLAS C-47A #42-100876 

 Pilote : 2nd Lt. MARVIN F. MUIR - 0-541641 - 93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F
 Co-Pilote : 2nd Lt. KENNETH C. BELL - 0-705291 - 93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F
 Navigateur : 2nd Lt. JOHN A. MARISAY - 0-697894 -93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F
 Radio Opérateur : Sgt. PHILIP SNYDER - 13081009 -93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F
Chef d'équipage : S/Sgt. CLIFFORD L. BURGESS -14140642 - 93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F 

 S/Sgt. SIMMIE C. ERVIN - 39531003 - 506th PIR 101st A/B Div. - U.S. Army
Pour son action le 6 Juin, le 2nd Lieutenant Marvin F. MUIR fût décoré, à titre posthume, de la Distinguished Service Cross


(The picture for the right column which contains the actual English inscription is currently not available. The text below is our translation of the French text.)


English translation:


On June 6, 1944 at 01:12, the Douglas C-47 A-75-DL #42-100876 piloted by 2nd Lieutenant Marvin F. MUIR and his crew belonging to the 93rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group, IX Troop Carrier Command of the 9th U.S. Army Air Force crashed here.

Carrying 18 paratroopers of the Headquarters company of the 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division and 5 crew members, the aircraft, included in the formation of 81 aircraft of the 439th Troop Carrier Group led by Lt. Colonel Charles H. YOUNG aboard the C-47 "The Argonia" took off from the airfield of Upottery, England, at 23:13 on June 5, 1944 and, following the pre-established route, arrived at 01:03 on June 6 over the west coast of the Cotentin, towards drop Zone "C" where it was to drop its paratroopers.

Two minutes before reaching the DZ, the aircraft was hit in the crew compartment and fuel tanks, causing it to instantly catch fire. Fighting at the controls of their aircraft, 2nd Lieutenant Marvin F. MUIR and his crew allowed 17 paratroopers to evacuate the aircraft at the cost of their lives before it crashed here. One of the paratroopers, wounded, remained on the plane and perished with the crew. IN MEMORY OF THE OCCUPANTS OF THE DOUGLAS C-47A #42-100876 

 ✪ Pilot : 2nd Lt. MARVIN F. MUIR - 0-541641 - 93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F
 Co-Pilot : 2nd Lt. KENNETH C. BELL - 0-705291 - 93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F
 Navigator : 2nd Lt. JOHN A. MARISAY - 0-697894 -93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F
 Radio Operator : Sgt. PHILIP SNYDER - 13081009 -93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F
✪ Crew Chief : S/Sgt. CLIFFORD L. BURGESS -14140642 - 93rd TCS 439th TCG - U.S.A.A.F 

 S/Sgt. SIMMIE C. ERVIN - 39531003 - 506th PIR 101st A/B Div. - U.S. Army
- U.S. Army For his action on June 6, 2nd Lieutenant Marvin F. MUIR was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.



Kenneth Charles Bell

Clifford L. Burgess

Simmie Catlett Ervin

John A. Mariasy

Marvin F. Muir

Philip Snyder


101st Airborne Division

506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division

8th Air Force

93rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group

9th Air Force

US Army Air Corps



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