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COL Meyer Command Post Sign (45th Infantry Division)

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Next to the bus stop waiting building.


A rectangular metal panel on a metal pole containing information about the Command Post of the 179th Infantry Regiment. The text is written in French and English. Four insignias (of the 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, 6th Army Corps, and 7th Army) are printed on the sides of the panel and crossed flags of the US and France are in the center.

Monument Text:

Dans le voisinage de Géroménil,

le 21 Septembre 1944,

le Colonel Harold A. MEYER établit

soin Poste de Commandement

du 179 ème Régiment

de la 45ème Division d'Infanterie des États-Unis

pour préparer et superviser le franchissement de la Moselle

à Arches qui sera réalise le lendemain

par ses valeureux fantassins sous le feu des troupes Allemandes.



In the vicinity of Geromenil,

on September 21st, 1944, Colonel Harold A. Meyer established

his Command Post of the 179th Regiment,

of the 45th Infantry Division of the United States,

to prepare and supervise the crossing of the Moselle

at Arches which will be carried out next day

by its valiant infantrymen under the fire of the German troops.



179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Division

45th Infantry Division

6th Army Group

6th US Army

7th Army

United States Army
