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BG Charles E. 'Chuck' Yeager Plaque

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On the right pillar of the narrow brown gate. There are two plaques mounted on the pillar. The plaque for BG Yeager is the bottom one.


A rectangular plexiglass plaque containing a commemoration message for BG Yeager that is written in French. The significance of the house to BG Yeager is also mentioned. The plaque is inaugurated in May 2018.

Source of photos: Marc Bonas /

Monument Text:

Le général Charles Chuck YEAGER

né le 13 février 1923 - West Virginia


1942, enrôlé à 19 ans, dans l'US Army Air Corps, il est envoyé au Royaume Uni en 1944 comme pilote d'avion de combat Mustang P-51. Mais le 5 mars 1944 son avion est abattu au dessus de Nérac (Lot-et-Garonne) par la Luftwaffe. Sauvé par son parachute et caché par des résistants, il est évacué vers les Pyrénées et il arrive ici à Mazères de Neste, dans cette maison ... dans la nuit du 23 mars 1944, il passera en Espagne.


Après la guerre, le 14 octobre 1947, il est le premier aviateur à franchir le mur du son à bord du prototype BELL X-l Glamorous Glennis


Hommage à Chuck YEAGER - héros américain



English translation:


General Charles Chuck YEAGER

born February 13, 1923 - West Virginia



1942, enlisted in the US Army Air Corps at the age of 19, he was sent to the United Kingdom in 1944 as a P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. But on March 5, 1944, his plane was shot down over Nérac (Lot-et-Garonne) by the Luftwaffe. Saved by his parachute and hidden by resistance fighters, he was evacuated to the Pyrenees and arrived here in Mazères de Neste, in this house... on the night of March 23, 1944, he went to Spain.


After the war, on October 14, 1947, he was the first aviator to break the sound barrier on board the BELL X-l Glamorous Glennis prototype


A tribute to Chuck YEAGER - an American hero



Charles Elwood“Chuck" Yeager


363rd Fighter Squadron, 357th Fighter Group

United States Air Force



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