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Coast Guard Plaque

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On the retaining wall left of the bunker, north of the museum. Plaque A bronze plaque with gold lettering commemorating the Coast Guard's involvement in the invasion of Normandy.

Monument Text:

Dedicated this 6th day of June, 1994 to the members of the United States Coast Guard who participated in the initial invasion of Normandy on D-Day, especially to those who gave their lives here, and to all United States Coast Guard Forces who served world wide on land, sea and air during WWII.

The Nations of the world shall long remember Normandy; the United States Armed Forces, their allies and the cost of freedom at this place.
The United States Coast Guard motto is, as always,
"Semper Paratus"
Always Ready

Coast Guard Combat Veterans Association of the United States of America



United States Coast Guard




Normandy Invasion

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