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Utah Beach Logistics Plaque

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Inside the bunker, north of the museum Plaque Granite plaque commemorating Major General Eugene Mead Caffet, commander of the 1st Engineer Special Brigade.

Monument Text:

Au Major General Eugene Mead Caffet

Croix de Guerre Francaise avec Palme
21/12/1895 - 30/5/61
Qui Commandit en 1944
La Iere Brigade Speciale du Genie Americain
Forte de 19.500 et portee jusqu'a 70.000 Hommes
Unite qui permit de debarquer sur cette plage
De Juin a Novembre 1944
836.000 Hommes,
220.000 Vehicules de la Jeep a la Locomotive,
725.000 Tonnes d'approvisionnements
et en assura l'acheminement.
C'est lui qui fit elever en 1945
Ce monument aux morts de la Iere Brigade Speciale sur le Ier Block Haus
Pris par son unite le 6 Juin 1944
et en confia la garde a la commune
de Sainte-Marie-du-Mont

English Translation:
To Major General Eugene Mead Caffet
French Croix de Guerre with Palm
12/21/1895 to 5/30/61
Who commanded in 1944
The American 1st Engineer Special Brigade
With 19,500 and a range of up to 70,000 men
The unit which permitted to land on the beach
From June to November 1944
836,000 Men
220,000 of the Jeep Vehicles for transportation,
725,000 tons of supplies
and assured forwarding.
It was he who erected in 1945
the memorial of the First Engineer Special Brigade on the bunker
Captured by his unit June 6, 1944
and award custody to the community



Eugene Mead Caffey


1st Engineer Special Brigade

US Army Engineer Corps




Normandy Invasion