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Engine Sculpture - B24 Liberator ‘Strictly from Hunger’ (41-29412)

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Facing the site, the sculpture is on the left side. Monument

A dramatic scupture using rebar and the B24 Bomber engine parts, including the propeller. The scupture is set on rocks, on which is hung a stone plaque with French text.

Monument Text:

Hommage de la ville de Cannes au valeureux equipage du B24 Liberator du Capitaine Robert W. Hornbaker du Corps Aerien du l'Armee des Etats Unis d'Amerique tombe pres d'ici en combat aerien le 25 mai 1944 pour que notre pays recouvre sa liberte.  Independance Day le 4 juillet 1994;

English translation:  Honor from the town of Cannes to the valourous crew of CPT Robert W. Hormbaker's (US Army Air Force) B24 Liberator which fell nearby in aerial combat on 25 May 1944 so that our country could regain its liberty.  Independance Day, 4 July 1994.



Roland Gregory Baryenbruch

Raymond H. Burkland

Edwin J. Draney

Carl A., Jr. Gein

William J. Harcher

Deneal Hoffman

Robert Wilson Hornbaker

Alfred R. Karow

Richard Bernard Nilles

Lawrence Ernest Reinecke


464th Bomber Group

778th Bomber Squadron, 464th Bomber Group, Heavy

United States Air Force



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