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B-17 (41-24399)‘MAN-O-WAR’ Crash Memorial

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In the center of the subdivision's park, McCammonplein. Monument

In the park of this subdivision is a brick-laid patio in the shape of an airplane with a protruding vertical stabilizer with a metal plaque.  The memorial honors the crew of the B-17 "MAN-O-War" (41-24399) that crashed near Opijnen on July 30, 1943.  The memorial was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Keene McCammon, Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce, the American Women's Club of Amsterdam, and The Municipality of Neerijnen.  The streets and footpaths surrounding the subdivision are named for the crew members.

Lt. Keene C. McCammon led the crew with the 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91th Bomber Group (H), flying the B17 41-24399 'MAN-O-WAR' out of Bassingbourn. On July 30, 1943 Lt. McCammon’s crew participated in a bombing mission to Kassel. In this ‘maximum effort’ mission, 186 bombers bombed the Messerschmidt plants near this city in central Germany. It was the crews first mission. The outbound leg, to the target, proved uneventful. The formation did not meet with the Luftwaffe. The weather was excellent, and the target was found without difficulty. It was subsequently bombed with good results. On the way back to Bassingbourn, their luck turned. They were intercepted and attacked by FW190 fighters of JG26. A fierce fight ensued during which the ‘MAN-O-WAR’ and a second B17 (‘Yankee Dandy’, commanded by 1Lt. Robert M. Miles) were forced to leave the relatively protective realm of the bomber formation. The ‘Man-O-War’ was last seen leaving the formation, burning from under the wings with both inboard (no. 2 & 3) engines out and going into a dive. The German fighters pressed home their attacks on the ‘straggler’. After fierce fighting from both sides, Lt. Johannes Neumann, a leading fighter pilot with JG26, finally claimed the ‘MAN-O-WAR’ 5 kilometers south of Est, close to Opijnen.

The eight crewman KIA are buried in the nearby Opijnen Church cemetery.  See this website for more details.

Monument Text:

8th Air Force

1st Air Division

91st Bomb Group

Amerikaanse bemanning

van de B-17 Man-O-War

hier gesneuveld tijdens de

Tweede Wereldoorlog

op 30 juli 1943

Douglas Victor Blackwood

Americo Cianfichi

Robert Urquhart Duggan

George Richard Krueger

Daniel Victor Ohman

Mike Anthony Perrotts

Hermon Daines Poling

Harold Royce Sparks


Zij rusten op het kerkhof

in Opijnen



Keene McCammon

John Bruce


Geschonken door

Hr en Mw Keene McCammon

Hr en Mw John Bruce

American Women's Club of Amsterdam

Gemeenie Neerijnen

Lithos bouw & outwikkeling


Onthuld door

John Bruce

Bonney Jean McCammon




English Translation:


8th Air Force

1st Air Division

91st Bomb Group

American Crew

of the B-17 Man-O-War

died here during the

Second World War

on July 30, 1943

Douglas Victor Blackwood

Americo Cianfichi

Robert Urquhart Duggan

George Richard Krueger

Daniel Victor Ohman

Mike Anthony Perrotts

Hermon Daines Poling

Harold Royce Sparks

They rest in the cemetery

in Opijnen


Prisoners of War

Keene McClammon

John Bruce


Donated by

Mr. and Mrs. Keene McCammon

Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce

American Women's Club of Amsterdam

The  Municipality of Neerijnen

Lithos Construction


Unveiled by

John Bruce

Bonney Jean McCammon




Douglas Victor Blackwood

John Bruce

Americo Cianfichi

Robert Urquhart Duggan

George Richard Krueger

Keene Chadwick McCammon

Daniel Victor Ohman

Mike Anthony Perrotta

Hermon Daines Poling

Harold Royce Sparks


1st Air Division

322nd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy


8th Air Force

91st Bomber Group

United States Air Force



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