442nd Regimental Combat Team Monument
Located on the north side of an unmarked road in the Forêt de l’Helledraye. Monument A granite monument sits atop a white pedestal decorated with a painted silver star. The monument features a bronze plaque with both English and French embossed text and the Great Seal of the United States at the top. A stone stairway leads up to the monument itself, and one flag pole sits on each side. The monument was presented by the Japanese American Citizens League and inaugurated in 1961.
Monument Text:
To the men of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, U.S. Army, who reaffirmed an historic truth here…That loyalty to one’s country is not modified by racial origin.
These Americans, whose ancestors were Japanese, on October 30, 1944, during the Battle of Bruyères, broke the backbone of the German defenses and rescued the 141st Infantry Battalion which had been surrounded by the enemy for four days.
Presented by the Japanese American Citizens League
Aux Hommes de les armées américaines du 442eme Régiment de Ligne, qui ont affirmé ici un vérité historique… Que la loyauté au pays ne s’exprime pas par l’origine raciale.
Ces soldats américains, de race japonaise ont le 30 Octobre, 1944, pendant la bataille de Bruyères brise l’arrière garde de troupes allemandes et ont sauvé le 141eme bataillon d’infanterie que pendant quatre jours était cerné par l’ennemi.
Présente par la Ligue de Citoyens Américains Japonais
100th Infantry Battalion, 442 Infantry Regiment
442nd Infantry Regiment
United States Army
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