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507th P.I.R. and French Citizens Monument

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Located near the southern limit of the site near the entrance drive.  Monument The monument is three sided and contains text in gold lettering on stone. The text is from the 507th PIR and recognizes the French men and women who protected Allied Soldiers during the Normandy Invasion. The monument also recognizes several sister regiments of the 507th PIR.

Monument Text:

Side one:

Le 507eme P.I.R. est reconnaissant et rend hommage aux courageux citoyens francais, hommes et femmes, qui, aux premiers jours de la liberation, risquerent leur vie et celle de leurs proches en aidant et meme cachant les soldats americains blesses ou isoles jusqu'a ce qu'iles puissent rejoindre leurs unites.

The 507th P.I.R is grateful to and honors the brave and compassionate French citizens, both men and women, who risked their lives and the lives of the members of their families during the early days of the liberation of France, to aid, and in some cases secrete wounded, injured, or isolated US Soldiers until they could be returned to Allied control.

La democratie est un bien qui se defend!

La democratie est un bien qui se merite!

Democracy is something we must defend!

Democracy is something we must deserve!

Side two:

Le 507eme P.I.R. est reconnaissant et rend hommage aux regiments-freres des 82eme et 17eme Divisions Aeroportees pour le courage et le grand professionnalisme qu'iles on respectivement deployes:

82eme Division Aeroportee, 505eme P.I.R., 508eme P.I.R., 325eme P.I.R.

17eme Division Aeroportee, 513eme P.I.R., 193eme Regiment Planeur, 194eme Regiment Planeur

The 507th P.I.R. recognizes and honors, for their demonstrated courage and great professionalism, its sister regiments of the 82nd Airborne and of the 17th Airborne Division, respectively:

82nd Airborne Division, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 325th Glider Regiment

17th Airborne Division, 513th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 193rd Glider Regiment, 194th Glider Regiment

Side three:

Ce memorial, ainsi que le site ou ils'eleve, ont ete rendus possibles grace a la generosite de nombreux donateurs, membres du 507eme P.I.R., leurs descendants, parents ou amis, d'autres donateurs, particuliers ou entreprises, ont simplement voulu manifester leur soutien a cet hommage au courage et a l'excellence.

The memorial and this site upon which it stands exist because of the generosity of a multitude of donors, many of whom are, or were, members of the 507th P.I.R., their descendants, relatives or friends. Some donors were individuals or US businesses that simply wished to support the recognition of valor and professionalism. 



17th Airborne Division

193rd Glider Regiment

194th Glider Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division

325th Glider Infantry Regiment

505th Parachute Infantry Regiment

505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne

507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne

508th Parachute Infantry Regiment

513th Parachute Infantry Regiment

82nd Airborne Division

United States Army




Normandy Invasion

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