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Asan Bay Landing Memorial Wall

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The left end of the wall is directly next to the steps that lead down toward the bay.  Monument

These black granite tablets with white inscription bear the names of the 1,880 American troops who died defending the island in 1941 and then retaking it in 1944, the 1,170 people of Guam who died, and the 14,721 natives of Guam who suffered under the Japanese. The monument honors a total of 17,771 individuals. 

In July 1944 the US Navy Task Force 53 landed III Amphibious Corps (General Roy Geiger) consisting of the 3rd Marine Division General Allen H. Turnage), 1st Provisional Marine Brigade Colonel Lemuel Shepherd , and the 77th Infantry Division (General Andrew 'AD' Bruce) landed on Guam; by August 8, 1944 the island was declared liberated.

The senior officer killed during the battle was Colonel Douglas McNair, Chief of Staff of the 77th Infantry Division.  Colonel McNair was the only son of LTG Leslie McNair who was killed two weeks earlier near St. Lo, France during Operation Cobra.

Monument Text:

 For a list of names on the memorial wall, see the US National Park Service Asan Bay Overlook website.



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Marvin  Fuquay

Virgil Herbert Furlong

Walter Gadomski

Fred Louis Gaede

Ivan Roy Gage

Elden H. Gail

Hansel David Gainous

George Winslow Gale

Rufino Estevan Antonio Gallegos

William J. Gantner

Stephen Garboski

George Garcia

Nial Ira Gardner

Herbert Edgar, Jr. Garrison

James V. Gartona

Hershel Laverne Gaston

Robert Leslie Gato

Albert Eugene Gaumond

Andrew, III Gaydes

Ernest Anton Genthon

Oceala C., Jr. Gerald

Ralph Stephen Gerlt

Paul Andrew Gevelinger

Edward Burton Geyer

William Earl Geyer

George Raymond Gibbs

John Jennings, Jr. Gibbs

Edwin Rudolph Gibson

George Curry, Jr. Gill

Warner Everett Gill

Leander John Gillen

Robert Timms Gillespie

Harmon Matthew Gilstrap

Eugene Ginda

Robert Allen Gladding

Paul Martin Glassen

Robert Alvin Gliwa

William Donald Glynn

William Herbert, Jr. Godin

Glenn Edward Goede

Charles Francis Goetsch

Louis William Golden

Dennis Devillo, Jr. Goldsmith

Graham Emanuel Golson

Jack Neuton Goodson

Oliver Herman Goodwin

Eugene Lee Gookin

John Gordon

Leonard John Gorzalski

Albert Benjamin Goss


12th Marine Regiment

172nd Infantry Regiment, 43rd Division

19th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division

1st Marines

1st Provisional Marine Brigade

21st Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division

22nd Marine Regiment, 1st Provisional Marine Brigade

22nd Marines

305th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division

306th Infantry Regiment 77th Division

307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division

307th Infantry Regiment, 8th Division

3rd Marine Division

3rd Marine Regiment

43rd Infantry Divsion

4th Marine Division

4th Marine Regiment

5th Field Marine Supply Depot

5th US Fleet

6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division

77th Infantry Division

89th Infantry Division

9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division

III Amphibious Corps

Task Force 53

U.S.S. Ormsby

U.S.S. Penguin

United States Army

United States Marine Corps

United States Naval Reserve

United States Navy

V Amphibious Corps




Pacific Theater

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