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Trois-Ponts American Soldiers Plaque

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The plaque is located on the south side (the side closest to the church) of the small park where there are two other plaques dedicated to American military units. This particular plaque is located immediately in front of the plaque dedicated to the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Plaque This dark metal plaque rests on the ground in front of a flower bed and lists the names of American casualties from the Second World War in four separate columns. Additionally, the plaque features a short English epitaph along its top edge.

Monument Text:

"They Are Dead, Only If We Forget Them
ADAMS, Col. Ronald F. Sr. GORKO, Pfc. Aloysius C. LONG, Pvt. William B. ROBBINS 2/Lt. Wilbert H.
ALFORD, Pfc. Thomas F. GRAFT, Pvt. Robert G. LOPEZ, Pvt. Alfredo R. ROJAS Pfc. Frank R.
ANDERSON, Sgt. Joseph G. GRANT, Pvt. John L. LYNCH, Sgt. Phillip M. ROWE 1/Lt. William A.
ATCHLEY, Pfc. John E. GRAVES, Pvt. Duane B. MANCUSO, Pvt. Paul A. RUSSO, Pvt. Louis
BAIR, Pvt. Clyde GRILLS, Pfc. Donald E. MARSH Pfc. Wilbur L. SAGER, Pfc. William J.
BATES, Pvt. Howard W. GUENTHER, Pvt. Carl B. MARTZ, Pfc. Harold L. SANCHEZ Pfc. William
BEATY, Sgt. Willies B. HABLE, Pfc. Earl H. MASON Pfc. James H. SARAGOSA, Pfc. Victor G.
BECKMAN, Pfc. Robert G. HALLAHAN, Cpl. William A. MATTESON, 2/Lt. Robert SCHELL, Pfc. Lowell C.
BERARDI, Pfc. David HAMULA, 1/Lt. John McCLATCHY, Pfc. Wesley SCHMIDT, Pfc. Karl F.
BLACK, Pvt. Samuel J. HARRIGAN, Pvt. Lawrence McCUSKEY, Pvt. Joseph W. SCHRAMM, Cpl. Harold V.
BOND, Pvt. Roy E. HARRIS, Pvt. Oscar C. McGUIRE, Sgt. James L. SCHROEDER, Pvt. Bernard
BOWERSOCK, Cpl. Robert HAUPT, 2/Lt. Walter McPHEETERS, Capt. Archib. SIEVER, Pvt. Clarence R.
BROWN, Pfc. James W. HEATH, Pvt. Willard B. MORDEN, Pvt. John P. SKINNER, Pvt. Arthur W.
BURCH, Pfc. Hershel HEGGOOD, Sgt. Johnny F. MORTON, Pvt. Cecil E. SLY Pvt. Paul E.
BYSTRAK, Pfc. Henry HELLER, Pvt. Leland C. MOSKO, Pfc. Nicholas SMITH, Pfc. James R.
CAMPBELL, Sgt. Claude T. HEULE, Pfc. Vernon E. MULVANEY, Sgt. Carl E. SONNENBURG, Pvt. Georg
CAVALLARO, Pfc. Nick A. HUGHES, 2/Lt. Marshall MURRAY, Pvt. Thomas J. STARK, Pvt. Ralph D.
CRAIG, Pvt. Kenneth R. HUMENIK, Pvt. John NAPOLI, Pvt. George J. STIGALL, Pvt. John W.
CUSMANO, Pvt. Bernard A. INTRIERI, Pfc. Emilio NARDUCCI, Pfc. Orlando J. STINER, Pvt. Gordon M.
CUTLER, Pfc. Richard W. JAKIELA, Sgt. Henry NEALY, Pvt. William H. STRATTON, Pfc. John
DAVIS, Pfc. Edwin G. JANOTTA, Sgt. Donald E. OLDS, Sgt. Donald H. STURGEON, Pfc. Oscar H.
DEGENHARDT, 2/Lt. Richard JONES, Sgt. Clayton H. OLSON, Pvt. Walter P. SUER, Capt. Alexander P.
DiGIRLAMO, Pvt. Louis KINZLE, Cpl. Raymond M. OLZEWSKI, Cpl. Edward SYRENE, S/Sgt. Irving N.
DOMINQUEZ, Pfc. Enrique KOSSOW, Pfc. Arthur B. ORLANDO, Pvt. Frank J. TAYLOR, Pfc. James F. 
DUNN, Pvt. Joseph L. KRKA, Pvt. Charles J. ORTH, Pfc. Walter M. VALENTINELLS, 1/Lt Albert
DURBIN, Pfc. Samuel D. KROLICK, Pfc. Charles F. PATE, Pfc. Lacy VARVAKIS, Pfc. Charles R. 
EBERHART, Pfc. Russell J. KROPIS, Pvt. Anthony PAUGH, Pfc. James C. WALAS, 1/Lt. John
ELIZONDO, Pvt. Joe KRUEGER, Cpl. Howard R. PERLMAN, Pfc. Richard WARNER, Pvt. Logan E.
ELLIS, Pvt. Joseph C. KULLIFAY, Pvt. Harold PETERSON, Cpl. Bernard WEBBER, Pvt. Robert L. 
ESPARZA, Pvt. Santiago H. KUZMINSKI, Pvt. Daniel L. PIRIAK, S/Sgt. Andrew D. WHEATLEY, Pfc. Charles
EVANS, Pfc. Thomas A. LEBEDNICK, Pvt. John C. PRESUTTI, Pvt. Anthony F. WHITE, Pfc. Donald L.
FEHRING, Pfc. James E. LEE, Pfc. Edward F. PRZYBYLA, Pvt. Peter K. WILKERSON, Pvt. Alex
FELDMAN, Pvt. Bernard LEININGER, Pfc. Sheldon PURULL, Pfc. Edward S. WILLIAMS, Sgt. Richard V. 
FRANCISCO, Sgt. Vernon L. LEWIS, Pfc. Charles T. QUALLS, 1/Lt. Charles K. WILSON, 1/Lt. William T. 
FREELAND, Sgt. Fred W. LEWTON, Cpl. Harold L. REYNOLDS, Sgt. William WOLTZ, Sgt. Harold W.
WRIGHT, S/Sgt. Bonnie G."